Please keep the school up to date with current contact telephone numbers for both parents and/or carer. Please inform the school immediately when there is a change of address, phone number, emergency contacts etc. The school must have up to date contact details for families at all times.
Teachers will contact parents if they have any concerns/matters about a student they would like to discuss. This may be via a note, over the phone, email or through an organised face to face meeting.
Parents are encouraged to write to, phone or email the school to raise any points of concern or matters to do with their child's education or wellbeing. Teachers welcome this contact and are very happy to make appointments to meet with parents at a mutually convenient time.
Learning is supported when children come to school every day. You must let the school know if your child is going to be absent. If your child is sick for three days or more, we ask that you supply a medical certificate. If your family leaves Darwin for cultural reasons or a holiday, we ask that you inform the class teacher in advance. The school has a legal requirement to mark an attendance roll and in this roll a record is kept of absences and reasons for absence.
To notify the school of an absence:
Phone call to school on 8997 7366
Text the school mobile phone on
0474 487 367
A personal visit to the school's front office
A note to be given by the student or family member to the front office on the next school day
In line with the schools wellbeing policy, focusing on positive relationships and high expectations includes the distribution of positive referrals, all teachers must hand out at least 3 positive referrals per day.
The recipient is then able to take the positive referral to any adult in the school to receive feedback.
Positive referrals are collected over time and students receiving 10 positive referrals are presented with a certificate, 20 a bronze badge, 30 a silver badge, 40 a gold badge and 50 a platinum badge.
Collection occurs over a school year with all students returning to 0 at the beginning of the new year.
By choosing to give a voluntary contribution, you will reduce the number of fundraising activities that the school undertakes throughout the year and ensure that the school is well resourced and capable of providing an exemplary educational experience for all students.
Please note that Back to School Vouchers are not able to be used for Voluntary Contributions.
Voluntary contributions are $100.00 per year or $25.00 per term which is used to enhance the range of resources available in the school, for example:
Library materials including books, maps, charts and videos
Physical Education equipment; balls, gym mats, bases, repairs, protective equipment.
Art and craft materials; paint, glue, wood, wool, papers and cardboard
Textbooks for mathematics, science, English as well as class reading and literature sets, mathematics and science resources and learning aids
Computer equipment; hardware, disks, internet connection fees, printers, paper, cartridges, scanner, maintenance, iPads, digital still and video cameras.
Music equipment; instruments, books, CDs, repairs and tuning
Excursion needs including First Aid kit and drink containers
The NT Government provides every student from Preschool to Year 12 with a $150.00 Back to School Voucher.
This may be used to purchased the resource pack, school uniforms and pay for excursions.
This voucher can only be used at one school. It is not transferable between schools.
It can be used in Term 1 with the exception of Preschool students who can use the voucher during the term in which they first enrol at school.
It is policy that all students in Northern Territory Government schools from Transition to Year 12 are required to wear an authorised school uniform whilst on school premises and when attending official school activities during and after school hours.
The complete school uniform, is to be worn at all times during school and designated school activities. On enrolment, students will be allocated a sports "House" either Tulagi, Neptuna or Peary. Siblings will be placed in the same House.
Uniform consists of:
A board brimmed sun safe hat and/or bucket hat
Navy blue/ice blue uniform shirt with insignia and black shorts, skorts or skirt (Primary)
One of five coloured Preschool shirts with insignia and black shorts, skorts or skirt (Preschool)
Green (Peary), Yellow (Tulagi) or Red (Neptuna) sport shirt and black shorts, skorts or skirt (Primary)
Sports uniforms can be worn throughout the week as part of the school uniform except for formal occasions.
In the event of cooler weather, plain jumpers, jackets, pants or leggings are acceptable to be worn.
Enclosed footwear is preferred and may be necessary for stipulated locations or activities.
However sandals are acceptable footwear, thongs or slides are not to be worn at school at any time.
For safety reasons, students should not wear dangling jewellery including dangling earrings, bracelets, bangles and necklaces. Long hair should be tied back.
Students should not wear any apparel that displays offensive logos or is deemed inappropriate such as very short skirts or shorts. Students may be asked to store such items in their bag/locker.
The school has a policy of "NO HAT, NO PLAY". Students must wear a hat when outdoors and must wear appropriate shoes to school. For safety reasons, students without appropriate shoes or hat must remain in the quadrangle are and may not play in the open playground.
Parents will be kept informed of school matters in the following ways:
The newsletter (sent home each Wednesday with the option of email or hard-copy)
Assemblies (every Tuesday morning at 08:10am)
Seasaw app (evidence of student learning, school and classroom messages)
School Council Meeting
Parent visits
Student Learning Journey (during Term 3)
Written Report (at the end of Term 2 and Term 4)
Phone contact
Emails (all staff emails are as follow: first name.surname@ntschools.net)
Letters (between school and parents)
School Electronic Notice Board
Our website
Facebook (Manunda Terrace Primary School)
Instagram (Manunda Terrace Primary School)
Email (manunda.school@ntschools.net)
Phone (08 8997 7366)
Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher if they wish to discuss any matter. Appointments are welcome at any time during the year.
Manunda Terrace provides for the education of children with special needs. Special needs children include those with physical, social or learning difficulties as well as children who are identified as gifted or talented.
Parents who feel that their child would benefit from additional assistance are encouraged to discuss the matter with their child's class teacher in the first instance.
When required, school staff with First Aid qualifications will administer basic first aid to children. Notes are sent home with the child informing parents of the nature of first aid treatment.
The safety of the child will be paramount importance in seeking immediate medical assistance.
Contact with parents will be made as soon as possible in a serious emergency situation.
On enrolment, parents will be asked to provide emergency contact details. It is very important that if any of those details change that the school be informed as soon as possible.
Sick children should not be sent to school. Children who become ill during school hours will be sent to the administration Office with a note from their respective teacher.
Office staff will contact parents to take children home. Weeping or infected sores must be treated at home and covered whilst the child is at school.
The Department of Education has issued Northern Territory schools with guidelines for the dispensing of medicines to students. Essentially these guidelines mean:
Parents must deliver and collect the medication to the Administration Office and complete the appropriate documentation.
All medicines must be clearly labelled.
Administration Office staff will ensure the medication is given to the child at the correct time.

We encourage children to have healthy food for recess and lunch.
Children are busy and energetic so they need nutritious lunches and snacks during the school day.
Each classroom has a fridge in which named lunchboxes may be kept. These fridges are not large and need to accommodate many boxes.
Lunch is eaten inside the classrooms and students are provided with time both at recess and lunch that is set aside for eating.
Is a
nut free
Things you can do to support healthy eating:
The best way to get your children to eat lunch at school is to pack what you know they like even then they may be too excited or busy to eat all of their lunch.
Discuss items to be eaten for recess and those for lunch to ensure the entire contents are not devoured at recess time.
Encourage them to bring home uneaten foods so you can monitor whether they are getting a balanced diet and adjust their food intake at home if necessary.
Children often don't eat things that go soggy for example tomato sandwiches but tiny cherry tomatoes in a salad of lettuce, celery, cheese, carrot etc can make an enjoyable lunch if your child likes these.
Water is the best thirst quencher and milk and juice are not necessary at school. Bring a water bottle to school every day.
Keep foods separate and well wrapped. Make sure that little fingers can open each pack.
Include the occasional treat for your child but don't send food to be shared with your child's friends because there may be problems with allergies or cultural food requirements.
Children are often hungry when they get home and then too tired to eat well when the family has their meal. Providing a nourishing sandwich and piece of fruit after school is a healthy solution.
It usually works best not the make a fuss over what children eat even if you notice that they have not eaten much of their lunch. Just make sure they have access to healthy food when they get home.
It is expected that all parents actively support their children's education and the school by:
Attending the student Learning Journeys.
Attending special school celebrations such as Book Week, concerts, sport days and assemblies.
Participating in surveys that are part of the development of school policies.
Participating in fundraising events.
Helping to organise special functions.
Depending on time and other commitments, parents are also welcome to:
Be a member of the School Council.
Volunteer for Home Made Eating Program (HEP) or involve themselves with excursions and camps.
Help in the classrooms including library.
All of the above examples require by law, the person to have a Working with Children's Clearance.
Other than drop off and pick up times, if parents are coming into the school to help in the classroom etc, it is a requirement that they sign in and out of the Visitors' Book at the front office.
This policy ensures that our students are safe and all adults in the school are accounted for.
It also means that in case of an evacuation (fire), everyone can be accounted for and are safely out of the buildings.