Term 1
Tuesday 31 January - Thursday 6 April
Mid Semester Break
Monday 10 April - Friday 14th April
Term 2
Monday 17 April - Friday 23 June
Mid Semester Break
Monday 26 June - Friday 14 July
Semester one
Term 3
Tuesday 18 July - Friday 22 September
Mid Semester Break
Monday 25 September - Friday 6 October
Term 4
Monday 9 October - Friday 15 December
Semester Two
Manunda Terrace Primary School accepts enrolments from Preschool to Year 6. It provides educational programs in line with the Northern Territory Department of Education (DoE) guidelines.
What do I need to enrol my child?
Birth Certificate or equivalent identification. It will be sighted and copied for your child's file.
Details of any medical conditions
Proof of address
Emergency contact details
Immunisation record. It will be copied for your child's file.
Name of previous school (if appropriate)
The enrolment procedure involves completing a number of forms and a meeting with either the Principal or Assistant Principal. students can begin the day after all necessary forms and documents are submitted and the enrolment meeting has taken place.
The age for compulsory enrolment is 6 (on or before 30 June of the year starting).
Enrolment for commencing Preschool at the beginning of the school year is open for children who turn 4 years old by 30 June. Enrolment forms must be completed to confirm your place in the Preschool.
Children turning 4 years old 30 June are eligible to enrol in Preschool after their birthday if places are available and with the understanding that the child will access more than 12 months of Preschool.
The first year of Primary School in the Northern Territory is called Transition. Children who turn 5 years old by 30 June may start school on the first day of Term One.
Punctuality is expected of all students. School starts at 8:00am. Music plays at 7:55am which gives students a chance to get a drink, go to toilet and get to class on time. Any child arriving after 8:10am is required to collect a late pass from the front office and will be recorded as late on the roll in accordance with the NT DoE regulations. This information is also recorded on school reports.
If you are not collecting children from the classroom, please let your child's teacher know where you will be waiting for them or how they are to go about getting home.
If a student needs to be collected during school hours (8:00am to 2:30pm including recess and lunch), parents need to go to the Front Office.

Students Ready for Learning
Learning Session Commences
Recess Eating
Recess Playing
Students Ready for Learning
Learning Session Commences
Lunch Play
Lunch Eating
Learning Session Commences
Message Bag Collection / Class Reflection
Home Time
Teachers from Transition to Year 9 in the Northern Territory plan their programs using the Australian Curriculum for all subject areas. Manunda Terrace has classes from Preschool through to Year 6, all of which are composite classes.
A balanced program of educational experiences is provided to all pupils in the key learning areas:
HASS (History and Social Sciences)
Health and Physical Education
Technology and Design
Students also receive lessons in Japanese and students from year 4 to 6 can enrol in music lessons through the NT Music School.
Preschool follows the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and Preschool Curriculum. The EYLF is a national document for educators working in the birth to five year age group. It describes a broad framework to support and enhance young children's learning.

Read Write Inc is a whole school program at Manunda Terrace Primary School with all students from preschool through to year 2 participating in age and level appropriate learning experiences.
Children learn to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step by step. Throughout the program, children learn the English alphabetic code; the 150+ graphemes that represent the 44 speech sounds. They rapidly learn sounds and the letter or group of letters; they need to represent them in three sets of Speed Sound Lessons.
Simple and enjoyable mnemonics help all children to grasp the letter sound correspondence quickly. This knowledge is taught and consolidated every day. High frequency words that are not phonically regular are taught as "tricky" words (we call them Red Words) and are practiced frequently.
Phonic books are closely matched to children's increasing knowledge of phonic and tricky words so that, they experience plenty of success. Repeated reading of the texts support their increasingly fluent decoding.

Meaningful Maths is the pedagogy used when teaching maths at Manunda Terrace where we aim to ensure that students:
Are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives as active citizens.
Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in numbers and algebra, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability.
Recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study.
Assessment is undertaken throughout the school as an ongoing process. A variety of assessments are employed including anecdotal teacher observations, student self - assessment, formal testing and standardised testing. Records of student progress are kept by individual teachers and these are confidential. Access to information from assessment is available for parents on their child/ren if requested.
Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 undertake the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy) in May of each year. The results of this assessment are for the use of the school and individual results are strictly confidential. Parents receive a written report of their child's results. These assessments are designed to provide information of Federal and State Governments as well as the Department of Education (DoE).
Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) is used in over 4000 schools across Australia to monitor progress in key skill areas. The Northern Territory Department of Education has mandated that PAT Reading Comprehension and PAT Mathematics be administered in Term 4 for Years 1 to 9. Manunda Terrace students in Years 2 to 6 also participate in PAT Spelling.
There are a number of assessment tools used across the school associated with specific school programs and teacher designed assessment tasks.